18 June

Photo Journal: Heat Wave In The Pole Barn

by Jon Katz

The thermometer was close to 100 in the shade, so I went out to the Pole Barn to see how the animals were doing. I have never seen the barn space, so still. The sheep were spread in a ring around the walls, protected by the sun. They’ll go out to graze tonight in the dark. None of them were moving in the barn.

The donkeys were out in the sound, moving slowly and quietly around. Desert animals are rarely upset by heat or cold.

Still, the sun was as intense as I remember; they reminded me to get inside and be still. They know when and how to conserve their energy. Thank God they don’t know how to complain like humans.






Zip was still all day, one shady spot to another. He skipped the four p.m. meeting, so did I.


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