18 June

Flower Art, End Of Day. Hotter Tomorrow, But Always Beautiful. The Wildflowers Show Their Stuff

by Jon Katz

The wildflowers put on quite a show for me today, hopefully one for you. Their beauty, shapes, and simplicity have won me over. I’m planning a read-a-thon this evening, one mystery and two novels. I’ve got them stacked by my chair, one on top of the other.


The curve is almost royal.

We hope to help the Cambridge Pantry replace some items lost in the rush this weekend. You can read all about it here.


Baby Wildlife Daisy.

Holy Daisy with a glow, a wildlife flower.

Daisy’s sister is hypnotic.

Soul of a flower.

Nature puts on the best show.


  1. your flower photos continue to become more intriguing every day, Jon! I am loving them! Thank you, and hope you will muster the heat! We in Calif. are in similar temps currently…..trying to muddle through it here as well!
    Susan M

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