17 June

Morning At Our Beautiful Farm. Come Share It With Me

by Jon Katz

Every morning, I first go outside the farmhouse with my camera to capture the beauty and love I see all around me. I have the sweetest dogs; all are loving, different, and generous. They watch me closely as I wander with my camera, perhaps wondering what I am doing.

The last thing I want to see in the morning is some politician insulting someone else.  I don’t wish to start the day in anger but in hope.

Suffering is a choice, not a necessity. We don’t have a perfect life, but we have a beautiful one, a place of the heart and hope.

I’m heading to Saratoga for two healthcare maintenance appointments. One was to check on my food and seek new orthotics; the other was to visit Dave Missinger and adjust my brace.

The Cambridge Food Pantry had a blockbuster weekend; all 17 items on the Pantry Wish List are gone or almost gone. I wouldn’t ask anyone to replace all three, but we can do some good and do what we can—small acts of great kindness.

I will look through the list and see what I can do.  I’m sure we will help. No one coming to the pantry will leave without food. See if you can help. I’ll check in when I get home.



I always appreciate seeing the animals grazing.


My garden beds are awakening. I hope the incoming heat doesn’t harm the flowers.




I love the sun behind these new additions to the garden bed.


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