16 June

Zip Report, My Lamp, His Presence

by Jon Katz

I took two photos today that reveal Zip’s significant impact on Bedlam Farm. The first, above, shows his sudden appearance on the back porch table as Maria and I worked on rewiring an old lamp I used to call the “Brothel Lamp” because it looks so much like the lamps in the old brothels.

The wire frayed, so we put it in the basement; it felt unsafe, and then we forgot. Maria was cleaning out old records and papers from the basement, and she brought it up and asked if I might still want it. I do. I love it; it has great character.

Bud, as usual, had to come up and take charge of the project and get in the photo I was taking. He never fails to make his presence known.


When outside, and he doesn’t care to come, Zip often goes to the grass or a garden and watches quietly.  Here, he kept an eye on Maria walking in the marsh. He didn’t want to go with her.

These days, he is gone for half the day, hunting and exploring. This photo shows how he is often keeping an eye on things when we aren’t aware. He still shows up regularly for our afternoon meeting and always appears when I am outside taking my flower photos.

I love Zip’s independence; he loves to be with us sometimes and not at other times. He is a busy creature and a happy one.


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