13 June

Beautiful Morning At Bedlam Farm, Thursday, June 13, 2024

by Jon Katz

I love this new feature, “Beautiful Morning.” Every morning at Bedlam Farm is beautiful, but especially beautiful in the sun. Good day so far; I went to the pantry to help stuff the children’s last food backpacks of the season. If Sarah can get a grant, the program will resume in October.

It’s a wonderful idea. Sarah needs coffee, Tide, and Lemonade urgently for the pantry. I’ll post the details later. I’m going to a surgical dentist early this afternoon to get cleared for a tooth implant.

Be back soon. Maria sold her Crow hanging piece. I’m not surprised. Here are some images from our beautiful morning.

Grazing in the back pasture.

Animal friends at Bedlam Farm touch noses.

Maria is the farm manure commander: She has a plan for where all of it goes.

Life with an artist.: the frog appeared on the back porch this morning.

The raised garden bed is coming to life.


Maria has a favorite frog in our pond, she looks for him every morning. Zinnia checks out the pool before she jumps in.

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