9 June

Sarah’s Monday Pantry Request, Cheap, Simple, Important, Gone: Thousand Island Salad Dressing, 15 Oz, $2.38

by Jon Katz

According to Sarah, the director, two dollars and 38 cents will make many people happy at the Cambridge Food Pantry. Salad dressing is one of the most popular items sought by people seeking food support. Only a few things will help people and their children for under three dollars.

(Above, the pantry distribution room has new lighting and carpet and a new truck. A big difference.)

The Cambridge Food Pantry needs salad dressing. Green salads, a healthy and readily available food, are a popular choice. The dressing is always in high demand, and they’ve run out of it now. As always, you can make a significant difference.

There is one food chosen for your help today: Wish Bone Light Thousand Island Salad Dressing, 15 Fl. ounces, $2.38 per bottle.

If only a few of us send some, that will make a huge difference. This is the food choice for today and most of Monday; the wish list will be updated sometime tomorrow, as it is daily.

The crowds coming to the pantry continue to be large and hungry for food, especially for the foods they and their children are used to eating and hope to eat again.

We have noticed lately that many boxes from the Army Of Goods contain more than one item. Thank you; this is incredibly helpful and appreciated. You can browse the Cambridge Food Pantry Amazon Wish List here and purchase other items anytime.

Sarah updates the items daily. You can see the list and buy from it right here.



This was a good week for the Mansion. Sarah bought a new truck to haul food from the Pantry Distribution Center in Albany, we purchased three overhead electric lights for the food distribution room, and Sarah also got a nice new carpet for the same room cheaply and online.

We filled the shelves with juice and pasta; thanks, Army Of Good.

Please send some salad dressing to the food pantry. It would be much appreciated and quickly scooped up. It’s a favorite, and its empty shelf slot is sad. This means that these families are eating a lot of produce and greens, which is good.

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