8 June

Portrait, Robin, My Granddaughter, Reading, Just Like Her Mother

by Jon Katz

My daughter Emma spent almost every waking moment of her young life reading. The first job she got (she was 14) was in a used bookstore. My granddaughter Robin has taken on that habit; Emma says she always reads and writes in school and at home. We spent many hours together in bookstores. I send her a stream of books regularly, and she devours them in hours.

I’m grateful to Emma for the pictures she sends me since I don’t get to see Robin that often. Emma has become a very skilled photographer; every picture she sends is wonderful. The family recently moved to a house in a different part of Brooklyn. Robin has a lot of places to read. Thanks for the photo, Em. I miss you both. There are many different ways to be close.


  1. this is a beautiful thing to see…..(thanks to Emma’s photo)……and reminds me so much of my own childhood…..having been an avid reader since my early days. I recall sitting in my bedroom after dinner at night growing up (we did not have TV)…….sitting propped up against my bed….and reading what first began as the Bobsey Twins……and expanded from there as I grew. This gives me great hope and joy!
    Susan M

  2. Beautiful photo of Robin. Emma’s artistic eye is stunning. Becoming and growing with a grandchild is about the most precious gift I can imagine.. Sharing wisdom through books and writing is the best part. Enjoy. Love to your bride, Maria. D.J. Posner

  3. I love this photo, it evokes such feelings of my own childhood. I learned to read at 4, and haven’t stopped since. Books saved me as a scared and shy child; books continue to save me, only in different ways now. When my son was little, the bookstore was the only store where I would tell him he could have as much as he wanted. Only books, no junk, no toys. We’d leave with a bulging bag of books and couldn’t wait to read them. Reading to him is still a favorite memory.

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