7 June

Flower Art, Friday, June 7, 2024. Into The Beautiful Whirlwind. Have A Restful Evening.

by Jon Katz

The story I want to tell of flowers is of a world all its own, sometimes several worlds converging. Once I started paying attention, flowers began hypnotizing me, bringing dreams, colors, and hidden meanings. Flowers have a powerful grip on millions of people—and on me. I made this photo above the feature because I caught the beautiful butterfly landing right on it. Thanks, Butterfly.

Today, I continue to explore fusing cut flowers with wilder wildflowers. It worked beautifully.

This morning, it was my turn to sit in a doctor’s office while Maria was being treated for a fungus infection in one of her ears, which was difficult and uncomfortable. She is home here, of course, resting.  It’s not serious, but there was no walking in the park either.

I’m persuading her to rest over the weekend. Getting Maria to rest is like getting a dog to fly, but I’m working on it. She did manage to go out and cut some flowers for me.

We’ll be home all weekend; we might sneak out to see a movie. Signing Off. Have a restful weekend. See you in the morning.





Mix of flowers.


Another mix of cut flowers and wildflowers.



Cut flowers and wild flowers are, I think, beautiful with one another.

Into the sun. All eyes on me.


  1. The flower pictures, especially the first one at top, are especially gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your treasures. They make every day more beautiful.

  2. Looking at your wild flowers, small though they be, reminds me of the adage “Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.” Who stops to view the flowers on the weeds? Seldom anyone. Yet you photograph them, and suddenly a new miniature world is open to all. I see them, really see them, and I am amazed at the beauty that I have been missing. Not just because of the size of the blooms, but because I was viewing them as weeds. You have opened my eyes. Thank you.

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