31 May

The Soft Side Of Zip. From Killer To Companion

by Jon Katz

Cats have many different sides, unlike most dogs, who love consistency and familiarity. Every dog is different, but Zinnia is a great companion dog. I’ve never seen her in a bad or angry mood.

Every time I look at Zip, I see a different animal. Sometimes, he is ferocious; sometimes, mischievous; sometimes, murderous and cruel; sometimes, charming and agreeable, always curious. He is an explorer, always heading out to canvass a different space. At night, I see him as a mystic devil, scouring the earth for rodents in the barn.

Sometimes, he is playful and kittenish. He loves to chase and be chased by the dogs.

He sometimes does all of those things in the same few minutes. There are a dozen Zips, from flirting with people to ignoring them altogether. He makes up his mind and doesn’t take too many directions, if any, seriously.

Without question, he loves the freedom of the farm, the woods, and the gardens. I often see him in different moods on the same day. Sometimes, he hangs on the porch, and sometimes, I see him as a dot on the horizon, heading out for the marsh or the deep woods behind the farm. He’s intimidated by the Imperious hens, charmed by the donkeys and the dogs, and is intimidated himself only by loud trucks on the highway.

That is a good thing; he never goes near the highway.

I never see him coming, and I never see him going. But he knows where I am every minute of the day.

There is a risk to being an animal like that around here, and I accept it and worry about him when he vanishes for most of the day, but I wouldn’t take his freedom away from him for a bar of gold. He is not a boomer child; I can’t protect him from every danger and threat.

As I did today, I usually go outside to take pictures daily, either in and around the garden beds or out in the woods with Maria. He always shows up in seconds.

One thing he faithfully does every day, except for his exploratory excursions, is sit with me while I work. He understands the seriousness of my work and respects it, as Zinnia does, and leaves me alone. But he loves to be there and insists on it. I appreciate his company.

Sometimes, he jumps up on the table to be alongside me; sometimes, he lies right under my chair, keeping an eye on me. Today, I got this photo of Zip looking up at me when I looked down to see where he was.  I often see the soft side of Zip down there in the afternoons.

Today, I  saw love in his eyes.


  1. I’ve seen love in Zip’s eyes for a long time now—through yours and Maria’s lenses. It is harder to earn a cat’s love and respect, but once earned and returned, its there for a lifetime.

  2. Oh my, yes! That’s definitely love in his eyes. It’s a mystical thing, isn’t it, to earn the love of a cat? Peace to you and Maria now and during your time away.

  3. Our neighborhood captured and had neutered our 3 male feral cats, 7 years ago. My neighbor has their house, made out of a storage container and I feed them breakfast every morning. We tried keeping them in garages during cold weather and they went crazy, trying to get out. So we know what you mean. None of the cats will ever become a house cat. We can pet them and they return affection to some people. We also know the dangers. We have been missing one, the oldest for a week. Everyone has looked , but we haven’t found him. But we enjoy the neighborhood cats and they keep rodents away. I hope Zip last for a long, long time.

    1. Thanks Jere, good to talk to someone who’s been there, good luck with the missing cat. They do come and go and all kinds of things can happen to them. But I agree, forcing them indoors does not work..

  4. My wife an I are full-time pet sitters (we travel the west coast states) and we both enjoy and learn so much from your animal observation, insight and wisdom. I truly do use your offerings on pet sits to help me evaluate, understand and accept what the pet is saying about their needs and the depth of our relationship they are willing to develop for our time together. We are about to go to Tucson, AZ and care for 13 rescue cats and one dog and I think there will be a lot of joy in my heart after that experience. Sharing a few moments with you is always a wonderful part of my day. Thanks for opening your heart so honestly and fully to others and for all you do help others. Your both amazing people and our travels constantly prove to me that the world is really full of amazingly kind, gracious and wonderful people with amazing pets! Hope your trip is wonderful! Take care.

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