29 May

Flower Art Special. These Flowers Are All From Our Pastures, The True Story Of Bedlam Farm

by Jon Katz

Today’s flower art photos are unique; every one is a flower grown on our farm and collected by Maria, who then turns them over to me for photo taking. I see these beautiful and individual flowers as natural and pure, a creation of nature without human assistance.

Maria gets to do her thing—walking in the woods and studying nature—and I get to do my thing—learning how to take flower photos with emotion and feeling, experimenting with magical colors. We both are telling the story of Bedlam Farm, and every photo is a dream of its own.

I love that this also brings Maria and me together without compromising our creativity or independence, the real story of the farm.

She picks the flowers; I photograph them. I love farm wildflowers, their simplicity, and their diversity.  They are not polished, but so very real.

This bouquet Maria brought me today is tiny, two or three inches wide. But the pictures take us inside their community, and nature always makes things look large.

I’m so grateful at this point in life to find this passion during a time when passion can fade. The flowers are potent; even the trolls, critics, yentas, and busybodies who patrol the Internet have nothing bad to say about them.  The haters can’t find any way to hate them.

Our flowers have done the impossible; they shut up the peckerheads and the cruel and mannerless. Bless them.

I also love that the flowers are all grown here, and they are all wildflowers, the art of nature.

I’ll continue searching for ways to capture the souls and meaning of flowers; they have certainly impacted me. The wildflowers are coming up; I will have them for a while. I also have flowers in the garden bed, and some are cut. I’m learning all the time, experimenting, changing, and mixing.

I see flowers as a community, not just a wedding decoration or something to stick out of a shirt or jacket pocket.

Once again, I will have enough left to post them daily through next Spring.  The flowers will always be here as long as I am here. I’m signing off now. Ian McRae is coming over to play chess. I have to get some popcorn ready. I intend to whup the lad.



I always look for a centerpiece flower, a king or queen surrounded by followers.

I’m drawn to how these flowers complement and share the stage.

Sunshine and light

I love the sunlight in my pictures.


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