29 May

Chronicles Of Zip, Bedlam Farm Journal, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Popcorn Fight, Zip And The Hens

by Jon Katz

We had some popcorn left over last night; Maria left it outside for the chickens. When we went to the car, Zip had moved in on the popcorn, and the chickens held their ground. She stepped in to referee, fending Zip-off with one hand and offering popcorn to the chickens with the other.

Zip often chases the hens away when they get too close to something he wants, but this is the first time the chickens haven’t run. They all got some popcorn. Some things are worth fighting for, even if you are a chicken. Zip decided it wasn’t worth a fight.

Zip, on excellent terms with the donkeys, follows me into the pasture when I open the gate for the sheep to graze.

I sometimes put the flowers on the back porch table to take their picture. Zip likes to keep me company but stays out of the way and never gets in front of the flowers.


Zip decided to take a nap under my chair while I was working. It’s good that I looked down before I got up.

Zip always wants to know what’s happening everywhere and anywhere.

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