28 May

Tuesday Morning, Bedlam Farm Journal Report On A New Day, Tuesday May 28, 2024.

by Jon Katz

I love getting up with the dogs and Maria each morning. I foolishly threw on my bathrobe again, but there were no spiders or other bugs. The farm looked especially beautiful, and I am so fortunate to be alive on this lovely farm. Zinnia spotted me and rushed to the gate to greet me as always. Maria was up early, moving manure around. Zip was on his throne, a beautiful bouquet appeared in the bathroom, and wild Irises popped up all over the farm. Beauty is everywhere when I look for it. I’m heading to the food pantry this morning to take pictures of the food truck coming in. Later.

Every day is manure moving day at Bedlam Farm.  Ahhh…the perfect life.

Flower art in the bathroom, curated by Maria Wulf.


Zip seems to be a king or prince of everything on the farm.


Wild Irises in the march.


  1. In Spring, the farm calls to me -the lush green of the meadow, the wild flowers, the baby animals. The beauty of it all catches at my heart -but then I remember the manure. LOL Work is never ending on the farm and money never stretches far enough. It just isn’t meant for me. But in Spring -aww, I long for it.

  2. Yesterday was a gorgeous one in central NJ. I went to the Grounds For Sculpture where I quietly strolled through the art and foliage, sat by the lake, and generally chilled. Back home I enjoyed all the green and wildlife that surrounds our house. Today’s just as beautiful. Thanks for sharing your farm and life. Very grateful for everything. “The purpose of life is to love life.” (Not my quote.)

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