28 May

Flower Art. Deeper Into Columbine World. No Flower Lives Alone. They Remind Me Of What It Means To Be Human.

by Jon Katz

My basic idea with my flower photography is that flowers are never really alone, as they are often presented in flower photos. I believe they are all connected in one way or another and are best seen and understood when they are together. Like us, we are all connected, whether we know it or not or like it or not.

Many of us have lost our sense of humanity and are forgetting to be kind and gentle with each other.

I have often forgotten that message and am working hard to shift my feelings to a kindler and gentler place. I never knew what to do with the anger inside of me, but I know now—let it go. I get a lot of beautiful messages and some angry ones. I try to remember that they have suffered as much or more than I have. I am learning to laugh at hatred and stare it down. My flowers have helped.

Maria collected these flowers and brought them to me. It’s all I need.

I’m making progress, although a lot more remains to be done. I may never get there, but I will get closer.

Flowers have been very kind to me. They have taught me a lot about emotion and feeling.

I see each one having a message for me, and I am beginning to hear and understand those messages as my life changes and ripens. The Columbines speak to me specially and deeply; I don’t know why; I suspect it is because they are always in motion, reading out to one another and other flowers.

That’s how I see them in my photographs, not as one, but as a whole—signing off for tonight. Tomorrow’s food for the pantry is Beef Gravy And Dish Soap. You can find it here.

Looking up and around, connecting.

I was talking to one another, maybe singing.

Sorrow and love

A community for all of its complications.



  1. All beautiful, once again, but the last one – with its caption – really speaks to me. Something we need more of these days. Columbines are just such beautifully delicate flowers…the ones in my shade garden seem to have been pushed out by a rambunctious ground cover.

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