27 May

Memorial Day: Maria’s Monday Morning Video: Come Along To The Peaceful Morning

by Jon Katz


Maria took this video this morning, as she does every Monday. It’s beautiful, as always. On this windy, lovely morning, when I went out to check on the animals in the Pole Barn, I found Lulu standing by the Pole Barn, Constance in the corner. It was a beautiful image to me, calm and peaceful.


  1. Thank you Jon & Maria for this visually peaceful video. I am saving this, a new experience for me in learning how, and sending to a friend who, today, is having a mental retreat due to family issues. I hope it brings her visual peace as it has me, the flowers are wonderful, Zip curling up around the barn, the hens coming out of their nest, it is what makes Bedlam Farm what it is…a visual and mental refuge for many of your followers.
    Sandy Small Proudfoot, Canada

  2. Thank you Jon & Maria for this visually peaceful video. I am saving this, a new experience for me in learning how, and sending to a friend who, today, is having a mental retreat due to family issues. I hope it brings her visual peace as it has me, the flowers are wonderful, Zip curling up around the barn, the hens coming out of their nest, it is what makes Bedlam Farm what it is…a visual and mental refuge for many of your followers.
    Sandy Small Proudfoot, Canada

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