27 May

Flower Art: The Digital Painting Explored. The Wildflower Experiment. Signing Out.

by Jon Katz

Signing off. I had a sweet holiday. I didn’t get the silence or meditation time I hoped for, but I was lifted by the Army of Good’s excellent work, replenishing the Cambridge Pantry’s empty shelves. We took the day off but will be back tomorrow in full force. Thanks so much. I also loved experimenting more with the idea of digital flower paintings, and I loved taking photos of the pantry’s Memorial Day Float. It was a good weekend; it felt good. I’m signing off now and heading out for my afternoon meeting with Zip. He may have forgiven me for taking a mouse out of his mouth by now. I just couldn’t bear to watch it tortured.  I’m tired and still feeling the spider bit and bee sting. It’s also too warm for May.

I look forward to seeing you in the morning.




Wildflowers all. I love their vibrance and simplicity.




  1. Not sure how it’s possible for your flower photos to get more intriguing with every passing day….. but they do! Thank you for such vivid beauty! And, must say…. I applaud you for *rescuing* Zip’s mouse (today) and giving it another chance…… I always had difficulty watching that cat/mouse *play*…. but…..it IS a cat doing what they do. Not pleasant (an understatement) to see….. but…. the way of the wild! One of our past dogs (a GS/Aussie mix) used to hunt and catch doves here….. countless doves…I rescued so many doves from his mouth over his lifetime and tried to (with some success) bring them inside and rehab them in a cage until able to rehab and release)…….but I was never nimble enough to grab a mouse from my cats! Enjoy your meditative evening…..and hope the spider/insect bites are abating and giving you some relief!
    Susan M

    1. Thanks Susan the flower is really exciting for me there is a deeper meaning I haven’t caught up with

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