Sarah Harrington has a lot of days like this, yesterday was one of them. Fifty two families came in for food in under two hours, and cleaned the pantry out of some of its most basic items. The crowd of food needers nearly wiped her out.
I mentioned one of things gone and needed this morning on the blog – Elbow Mac – and Sarah says the Army Of Good has already ordered a slew of them (bless you.) She can tell from checking the wish list. Two to go.
She is clean out of two more and would appreciate help in restoring them to the shelves. They are among the cheapest items on the Wish List.
One is Kraft Classic Ranch Salad Dressing (16 Fl.oz Bottle, $2.99.)
The Second is Amazon Brand, Happy Belly Grafted Parmesan Cheese Shaker, 8 Oz, $2.96.)
We can buy both of these for under $5, Sarah has a wonderful eye for food that is wanted and food we can all afford to help with.
If you seek to see other items on the list, you can see the list here.
I’d usuallly write some more, but I’ve gotten two spider bites on my leg, which is angry and swelling up and looks like a tomato patch. I’m on the way to see a nurse or doctor or urgent care.
I’ll be back later, I’m sure, spider bites and I don’t get along. I had a great morning picking up my food brace, which needed some repair and updating. I thought the after noon would be quieter but Maria looked at my leg and I’m going to get it treated. Later. I should be back in time for some Flower Art.
I hate to miss that. Thanks for helping the food pantry and the families in children who sepend on it in growing numbers. We are helping Sarah to keep those shelves full.