14 May

Tonight’s Show, Orchid Sun And Wildflower Beauty. Hurry Up For The Best Seats. Admission Free.

by Jon Katz

We were out much of the day on errands and helping friends. Sharon’s computer tablet arrived early today, and I’ll bring it to her tomorrow. I have a meeting at the Mansion tomorrow; there is a request for the residents to paint and wear T-shirts during the July Fourth Festival.  They need help getting the T-shirts. We’re going to talk about it.

The economy has changed in the past few years, and affordable things are now expensive.  The money at hand has shrunk, quite understandably. I want to ensure I can help the people in greatest need.

So I’ve asked for a meeting at the Mansion to see how we can affordably make the T-shirt request without spending a lot of money and leaving someone in serious trouble without help. Walmart comes to mind. That’s where I went last year.

But more and more, I  have to make choices. I’m up to that.

The Army of Good is doing everything it can ask for. I have no complaints, and I won’t ask for money beyond emergency clothing, etc., or a crisis like Sharon’s and the excellent work for the Cambridge Food Pantry.

I and hundreds of excellent and hungry people are grateful for that.

The world changes, and I will change with it, not pretend it’s all the same. The Army of Good has been steadfast, always there when needed. I am nothing but grateful for their support.


Wildflower, picked yesterday.

Wildflower, picked yesterday.

Orchid, this morning in the sun.


Wildflower, picked yesterday.

Wildflower, picked yesterday.


Orchid, at sunrise.




  1. Absolutely love those wildflower photos. You have caught the essence of each blossom.
    Have brought beauty where it is so badly needed. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. Jon, after a number of years, I am re-reading “Saving Simon.” His courage and fortitude inspire me. I want to thank you for this blog. In my own life, I have had ups and downs, with downs more prevalent these days– emotional, not physical. Thank you for your inspirational books. Bless you for all you do.

  3. I look at your photos in wonder. How does this happen? You take a picture of an ordinary flower (if any blossom is in fact “ordinary”) and it somehow becomes transformed into a piece of art — beautiful beyond ordinary.
    I don’t know how you do this but every once in a while one of your photos just strikes me as a bit amazing, miraculous.
    I thank you.

    1. , Thanks Marcia, I’m not sure how I do it either but thanks for the good words. Best for me not to think about it.:)

  4. Jon, your flower photography grows more beautiful with each passing day! The flower colors, as they change from one color to another, is such a miraculous happening in nature and you capture that essence beautifully!

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