13 May

Sarah’s Choices For Today, Monday. Two Inexpensive Foods, Chicken In Water, ($7.93 For Four), Liquid Dish Soap, $3.49

by Jon Katz

One of the Cambridge Food Pantry’s guests—she sends me messages occasionally—says the food the Army Of Good is sending to the pantry is important because it symbolizes better times and hopes for the future. It also restores pride to their battered and exhausted parents.

It’s a painful thing,” she said, “to not be able to get the dishwashing soap you have always used and to explain to the kids why they can’t have their favorite meals any longer; someone else decides what we eat. Don’t get me wrong,” she added, “we are all so grateful to the pantry for what we have but asking for some of the foods we love is a blessing and boon. You have to be unable to buy your food, maybe, to get it, but we can’t thank you people enough. We are feeling more human again, feel taller in the eyes of our children.”

It was good to see that message.

Sarah’s choices today are both much in demand and also inexpensive.

She’s asking for the dish ($3.49), soap, and canned chicken ($7.93 for four).

First, Gain Ultra Bleach Alternative Dishwashing Liquid Dis Soap, Honey Berry Hula, 21.6 fl. oz, $3.48 a bottle.

Second: Swanson, White Premium Chunk Canned Chicken, Fully Cooked Chicken, 4.5 Oz Can (Pack Of 4), $7.93.

Here they are, on the Amazon Cambridge Food Pantry Wish List, updated daily for people who wish to make their own choices. Your ability to choose what you donate is a powerful way to make a difference in someone’s life. All contributions, no matter how small, are very welcome and greatly appreciated.

A few dollars make a whopping difference. You have inspired the managers and volunteers of the pantry.

Your generosity has also transformed lives, thrilled children and adults, and restored dignity and hope to people who cannot keep up with the food prices corporations and supermarkets are charging. It’s tough to tell your children you can’t afford the cereal they love or the dinners they like eating.

We are deeply grateful for your support and cannot thank you enough for your kindness and compassion. Thank you.

I just purchased three lighting fixtures—thanks for the donations. Some of you have noticed how dark many of the pantry’s storage and supply rooms are; the volunteers often have to work in dark conditions. They will be working under bright lights now.

Three new and brigter ceiling structures are on the way. Thank you

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