13 May

Photo Journal, Dusk, Bedlam Farm, May 13, 2024

by Jon Katz

My posse grew larger today; Zinnia wanted to join Zip (Zud) and me and walk around the farm as the clouds gather. I love my farm photo journals at dusk; it seems like a beautiful time here, and it’s always something to photograph. I’m never alone out there. (And yes, that is a Taylor Swift cap, the song in white is “’tis the damn season.”

I can relate to that. It’s my winter song.

My daily selfie, Zip, was napping.


Maria and I have lunch on the back porch when the sun is out, and Zip and Zinnia join us—kissing and scratching everywhere. Zinnia and Zip have bonded, nose-touching and kissing whenever they meet/

As he does every day, Zip hunted for his nemesis, the Queen of the Chipmunks; I’m working on a name for her. He failed again; she popped up, aroused him, and disappeared into one of her tunnels. She better hope Zip does not get his hands on farm tools.


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