13 May

Flower Art, A Festival, Orchids, Tulips, Lilacs, Pansies, And The Morning Sun, My Sponsor. Come Along, It’s Free. I’m Appreciating The Simple Joy .

by Jon Katz

I ran amok today, rushing from flower to flower to catch the sun, adjust the focus, and try not to be blinded by the light. I sometimes succeeded and sometimes failed, but I was happy at the end of the day. You are invited to come and see this photo journal on the Souls of Flowers. I’m ahead of myself this year, but that’s where I like to be.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow; I’m done for the day. I’m beginning to understand the wonders of Simple Joy, drowned out by chaos, argument, and what they call the news. I can’t speak for you; it is not news to me.

Tulips in the sun, beginning to open up.


Above, Wildflowers, picked by Maria.




Wildflowers, picked today, above and below.


Above, wildflowers picked this morning.


Soul Of An Orchid





  1. Oh, Jon! That first picture with the beautiful ray of sunlight washing over the pale pink flowers was mesmerizing! Bravo, sir, bravo!

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