3 April

Food For All, The Boxes Keep Coming. I’m Using Up Thank You’s. Thank You. We’re Pushing Coffee Today, Spaghetti Tomorrow

by Jon Katz

Every afternoon, I get a bit nervous. Will this excellent flow keep coming? How long can it last? Will people lose interest? I don’t have an answer to any of these questions.

Around 4:30, I text Sarah, and in a minute or two, I hear the beep and see the photo she sent me of the afternoon food delivery. (There are two deliveries a day). It’s always amazing.

I can’t predict the future, so I want to treasure and appreciate the present.  What we are doing is extraordinary, a rare but beautiful experience.

I wish you could all see the faces of the people receiving this food.

As long as this lasts, we will all get the sweet satisfaction of small acts of great kindness. I go to sleep every night, knowing that we did something to make the world a bit better.

This morning, a request for urgently needed coffee. The Amazon wish list has New England Coffee Breakfast Blend ground, 12.0z a bag, pack of 3, $14.39.

The storm will hurt many people here tonight. At the very least, they can have a fresh and good cup of coffee in the mornings afterward.


Here’s a peek at tomorrow’s food request from Sarah: Barilla Spaghetti Pasta, 16.0z, Box Pack of eight, non-GMO made with durum wheat seminal, $13.38.

Friday, we’ll ask for dish soap, which is already on the wish list. Thanks.

Today’s afternoon delivery. Good feels very good.


  1. Wonderful that you are doing this. I have been giving weekly to my local pantry, Slate Valley Cares. I also take my licensed therapy Golden there twice a month, for an hour, along with another dog and handler. The staff say the dogs relax them, the patrons like them, and there is a man with Alzheimer’s that comes to sit and pet them.

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