3 April

Flower Art, As Promised. No Names, No Captions, No Spelling

by Jon Katz

As I suggested yesterday, I take photos of flowers during the light of day; in the late afternoon, I focus on Flower Art, which is my interpretation of the color and emotion that flowers generate.

I’ve stopped naming the flowers or worrying about spelling them. It just brings out the worst in people – angry and retired English teachers, I’m guessing –  and takes up too much of my time, which is precious these days.

I welcome messages about the names of the flowers; that’s how  I learn over time. Please don’t hesitate.

And thank you for that.

I won’t keep agonizing over names and spellings like some people do. It’s a distraction, and I need focus.

Today, I’m sharing more experiments in color and feeling. We might lose power tonight.

I hope you ride out this big storm safely. I’ll skip the captions, too. Good art should speak for itself, and the beauty of the flowers isn’t something my words can often equal.

I’ll see you in the morning if the power stays on.

Reminder: My photos are free to my readers; I don’t watermark or copy them. Use them in any way you wish; they are my thank you for putting up with me.





  1. lovely pics as always. I’m pretty certain your header photo are two Freesia’s…….yellow and the other lavender (which I’ve never see lavender ones until this pic). My Freesia’s (both red and yellow) are just coming on now……..they also have a very strong citrus like aroma (which my husband turns his nose up at)…….these have always been some of my own favorite flowers….though they are short lived…..both in the garden, and in a vase.
    May the storm not overwhelm you with too much snow…… stay safe and warm!
    Susan M

  2. Your flower photos are among the most beautiful and unique I’ve seen. They are a really beautiful beginning to each day.

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