In the morning, I take pictures of flowers. In the afternoon and early evening, I make flower art. Both are important, each is different. The flower art takes a lot of time, I use macro lenses and I have to move in just the right way to get the picture I want.
This is my experimental work, my different work. I don’t see a lot of other people doing it. I’m still experimenting and refining. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I hope you enjoy it. See you in the morning.
Every photo is different and requires an understanding of the light, the sun, the backdrop, the settings, sometimes a tripod, lots of moving back and forth, and lots of turning the lens or me. This one took a half hour; I got to move until the seeds were apparent.
I always think of capturing the soul of the flower.
My idea is that no flower needs to stand alone; they are all part of a community, and they know and react to each other. That is the central idea for my flower art, which is rarely literal.
Hi Jon,
Can I say what I just muttered out loud?
from 1 photographer to another…
” Oh, SUPER cool”.
Awesome photography!!
🙂 Anne frm MN
(Think pink lily and tiny green tree frog sleeping in it – it’s another cool one you’ve featured)
Rule is: if they make people smile – they are all winners 🙂
Take Care – keep ’em comin’
Absolutely unique, gorgeous and uplifting. WOW.
Oh my gosh! Yay Jon! Those photos are gorgeous!