1 April

Adventures With Zip: Sitting On My Shoulder, Making Some Sheep Friends

by Jon Katz

There are many surprising things about Zip, including his skill at charming and winning over the other animals on the farm. Yesterday, he turned his charms on Asher and Ishakoff, our two most extensive sheep, wethers both.

The donkeys are happy to hang out with him.

See how he does it. Zip has enormous confidence and is willing to make himself vulnerable so the other animals will get to know him. I’ve never seen a cat risk this. But Zip is Zip. It works every time.

Zip won me over a long time ago.  Video by Maria Wulf. Selfie by me. Zip loves to take selfies with me.

When it’s warm, I sit outside on a chair every afternoon. Zip appears instantly out of nowhere, jumps up on my shoulder right next to my neck, and purrs softly while I scratch him behind the ears.



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