30 March

“Wow.” Miracles Can Happen. Second Delivery, The Cambridge Food Pantry, Saturday Afternoon

by Jon Katz

When we returned from the museum at Williamstown shortly after 5 p.m., I received a text from Sara Harrington, director of the Cambridge Food Pantry. We agreed to take Sunday off—the pantry staff had been unloading many boxes. The message was brisk: “2nd delivery today! Wow!” I couldn’t help but feel immense gratitude towards Sara for her dedication and hard work.

We are out of superlatives.

“Thank  you” is all I can muster on behalf of Sarah, me, and the people who depend on the pantry for food for their families. You are changing their world, giving them healthy food and showing them and their children that Americans are good people with big hearts.

Sarah is celebrating Easter tomorrow and will be cooking. I will read books, take walks, meditate, and take photos all day. Best of all, I can be with Maria all day.

Sarah chose Mac N’ Cheese Dinner this morning, four packs for $3.71. We’ll be back with Sarah’s next choice on Monday. Please take a minute or two to stop and think about the minor miracle you have been bringing about.

You can view the complete list here if you’d like to donate something else on the daily updated Amazon Cambridge Pantry Wish List. They need everything on it.

I don’t have words right now, but I do have feelings. Bless you a hundred times.

If you aren’t buying food from the Amazon list, you can donate your food to Sarah Harrington, The Cambridge Food Pantry,  24 East Main Street, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

I have to take a long walk to absorb this wonderful thing.


  1. I received a message today that the delivery had been made and “left on a back porch.” I hoped it would be ok till Monday. Very glad Sarah was there.

    1. Thanks Joan for donating. The delivery site is monitored constantly. Sarah does not take receiving food lightly. She knows what she is doing. Thanks for caring. Jon

  2. Was feeling down this Easter morning. Thank you for giving me the chance to do something good for someone today. Lifted my spirits. I hope getting some mac and cheese will make a kid’s day.

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