We have a complete updated list today for the Cambridge Food Pantry, but as is our habit, I’ve singled out three affordable and much-wanted items in urgent need, according to the food pantry.
(Above, Zinnia in the sun)
I’m calling this Ramen Day.
Ramen is one of those inexpensive things children like the best when they come to the pantry.
Ramen is an increasingly popular broth-and-noodle meal; mothers love it because it is quick and easy.
Ramen restaurants are popping up all over the country.
It’s a major part of the food pantry, and it isn’t easy to keep it in stock.
Pantry Director Sarah has also added Dove Soap to the urgent list.
First, Maruchan Ramen Beef, 3 oz, pack of 24 by Maruchan Grocery, $16.80.
Secondly, Maruchan Ramen Chicken 3 oz., pack of 24, $7.36.
Third, Dove Beauty Bar Cleanser, 1/4 moisturizing cream, 3.75 oz., pack of 14: $15.74.
Zip has done a great job chasing the pigeons out of the hay loft. One has stayed behind; I call him the Last Pigeon. He’s up on the barn roof every morning. Zip has permitted him to stay for reasons we will never know.
Bud by the fire.