We aren’t going anywhere today. The snow is up to the door handles on the car, and it’s getting ice and colder. It’s supposed to rain and snow almost to midnight. The generator is ready if we need it.
I’ve been working hard to figure out the camera settings and profiles, and my Leica class is paying off. I spent an hour with Maria this morning, sitting with some tea and watching the feeder she put outside the living room window. In snow like this, the birds get hungry, and I figured I might finally get the kinds of bird photos I wanted—close but not too close, colorful but not too literal.
I’m getting there. I finally took some bird photos I like. Come and see.
I love the birds silhouetted; they seem to be getting used to me.
I’ve figured out the focus (it’s tricky through glass) and the color, which is also sometimes lost through glass.
After shoveling outside, we sat in the living room, each with a cup of hot tea, and watched the birds. My life is changing. I never paid much attention to flowers, birds, or cats before; now, I can’t stand far away from them. I could watch birds for hours (and I do), fascinated by how they eat, react to each other, and move.
I’ve taken enough bird photos today. (probably not.)
I missed out on so many things when I was buried dead and living in trauma. It’s good to be alive. We had the sweetest time watching the birds. Soon, I’m going to wipe off those droppings on the window.
Bud has no desire to go outside, like Zip, when it’s cold and snowing. He loves to doze by the wood stove.
For the first time, the birds stared at me and the camera lens, they didn’t rush off.
This is a perfect time to be taking pictures of goldfinch. One can see they are begining to change color as their summer plummage comes in. It will be interesting to watch the progression to see how long the process actually takes.
I’m happy you’re getting pleasure from flowers, cats and birds. More photos for me! I find all three to be among the things I love most. Lucky you, having so many goldfinches. I used to get a lot, but not for the last few years, and I’m only a couple of hours south of you, in Ulster Co.
you captured the Goldfinches perfectly, Jon! I love them, though we don’t have many right here. I always kept a feeder hanging outside my Mom’s sliding door at her assisted living room…….and they flocked to that feeder and kept her rapt for many hours…….so they bring me fond memories! And…..quite an impressive snowfall for you, being end of March! Not unheard of in your *parts*…….but….. impressive.
Susan M