Good morning. We’re trying to make a more focused request for food for the Cambridge Pantry. The boxes keep coming!
A hundred thank yous from the customers at the food pantry, they can hardly believe the new foods available to them.
Sara is choosing a food of the day reflecting a special need. She took ravioli off the list because they got a lot of people ordered it last week.
Today’s food request is Dish Soap, a pack of four for $13.70.
It makes sense to highlight one item a day; it’s easier for people on their budgets to choose a food of the day. They can do more if they wish.
I’m doing one a day, sometimes two or three. Do what your budget can handle.
Dish Soap is essential for health and hygiene. They have none.
Please feel free to purchase other items on the Wish List; all are needed. Thanks so much. The food keeps coming and goes as quickly as it arrives.
Our support program for the pantry is a great success; thank you so much. I am proud of us
Yesterday;s second delivery