I saw this hate online a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t resist getting it, especially as Spring creeps up. It captures my general sense of what being old means, but I’m unsure what “cool old” means.
It means being open to new things, learning how to change, working to be better, and listening to other people. I accept being old and love the idea of “cold old.” I’ll figure out what it means as I go. It might mean being married to Maria. She is way cool. Thanks for listening, dudes.
You are both way cool!
This is a great photo of you! I think you are very cool, however we define it. Since we’re the same age and have heard the term, probably since it began, I say we can make our own definition. I like that you’re wearing it. In several ways!
love the portrait …….. love the hat (the spirit expressed) …….. love the blog ……… thank you for all you share …….. keep on being true to yourself (fyi, me and my aging computer no longer communicate with my e-mail address, but maybe within this year I will finally get my act (and funds) together to get it all upgraded) …….. I do really enjoy your pictures and you sharing parts of your life