18 March

Yarn, Yarn, Yarn. The Bishop Gibbons Arts Are Very Happy And Off Creating Thanks To You, Says Sue

by Jon Katz

A week and a half ago, I relayed Sue Silverstein’s urgent request for yarn. Her art students – young women, most in this case – were pleading for yarn; they were eager to make things. The yarn is arriving in boxes and boxes.

This morning, Sue sent me this message, and I hope you generous people will feel as good about it as I do. You are angels:

Soooooo many boxes of beautiful yarn this morning,” wrote Sue. “The Army Of Good is truly wonderful. My students are so happy and can’t wait to begin creating! Thank you.”

Sue promised to send me photos of the things the kids are making, and I’ll pass them along and go see them in person. This is a big step, and Sue knows what to do with the support she gets.

I’m sure Sue and her geniuses will burn through the yarn. Feel free to send more to Sue Silverstein, Bishop Gibbons High School, 2600 Albany Street, Schenectady, New York, 12304.

She’s also happy to receive recycled and unused toys, shoes, clothes, acrylic paint, canvases, hats, etc. The address is the same, and thanks so much. This is the true spirit of what it means to be an American, not hate and grievance.

We support compassion and empathy, not contempt and cruelty. We do good whenever we can.

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