18 March

This Morning, Monday, March 18, 2024. Guess Who’s Waiting Every Morning To Eat?

by Jon Katz

The first thing I see in the morning is Zip, sitting on the back porch, waiting for me. I thought at first he was waiting to see me, but it seems he’s waiting to be fed.

The second I come out, he shoots off to hide under the garden bed. When he feels safe, he takes off for the barn. He is alert and cautious, constantly checking his surroundings like good barn cats do.

He loves to eat, as many cats and dogs do. After eating, he came out looking for me, and we had some quality time together.

I love taking photos in the early morning. I went out this morning in my winter cap and new L.L. Bean Bathrobe. No more naked sun shots. The Amish go back and forth all morning from dawn out, and they wouldn’t like to see me with no clothes on. We are good neighbors.

When I return from some morning chores, I want to write about the rise of hate mail. I also have some exciting new Macro flower photos to share. Stay tuned, and thanks for the many lovely messages I got this morning. You are gems, good to me as well as everyone else.


Maria is the Pied Piper of Bedlam Farm. The animals love her and trust her. Sue was wobbly but okay this morning. We’re glad she might get to have a natural heath.

Morning flower, Macro lens.

Bud in the sun.

Bird watching, dawn, woodpecker

Bedroom mirror, catching the morning sun



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