12 March

Good, Not Hate: Updated Cambridge Food Pantry Wish List. You Are Making A Huge Difference In People’s Lives

by Jon Katz

Thanks so much for supporting the Cambridge Food Pantry and the new wish list we suggested. Your donations of otherwise unobtainable food are very much noticed and appreciated.

There are ten items on the updated Wish List. Today, the Cambridge Food Pantry received 391 pounds of goods from the Army Of Goods. Thanks, thanks, thanks! Below are photographs of the food that arrived from the AOG yesterday. Wow.

This list was updated at noon on March 12, 2024.

Like Sue Silverstein at Bishop Gibbons and the Mansion, Sara Harrington picks items that are needed but also inexpensive.

The pantry is looking for items other than four-star gourmet meals, such as food unavailable from grocery stores or other sources. I embrace St. Terese and her ideas about small things.

Here is a link to the Cambridge Food Pantry Wish List, which is constantly being updated:

Dinto Moore Beef Stew, 15 0z. 8 pack, $16.24; Prego Traditional Pasta Sauce, 24 Oz. Jar, case of 12;  Jiffy Blueberry Muffin Mix, 7 oz. Pack of two: Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli, 15 oz, four packs, $4.28; C&H Pure Cane Granulated White Sugar, 1 lb, Pack of  2, $12.99; Campbell’s Beef Gravy, 10.5 Oz. Can, $18.24; Maruchan Ramen Pork Flavor, 3.0z pack of 48, $18.24; Maruchan Ramen Beef, 3 oz. $16.80; Jiffy Blueberry Pizza Crust Mix, 6.5 ounce pack of 6.


I think the way we can be most helpful to the food pantry—along with raising consciousness about food deprivation all over America—is to try and send them the things they have not been able to get from pantry co-ops and markets.

(Some of the food we sent arrived yesterday.)

This does an awful lot of good for little money.

According to the federal government, 60 million Americans struggle to feed their families. Congress is moving to cut food benefits for children, which would be a disaster, especially for children. We’ve already sent hundreds of pounds of good food to the Pantry.

It kills me that I haven’t been able to feed my kids with mustard or healthy soups with vegetables. Please thank your readers for this; it makes such a difference,” one customer emailed me.

(Food from the Army Of Good, which arrived yesterday)

That feels good. Let the angry and the whining be angry and whine. I’d rather spend my time doing good.

I love knowing that people who need food can get healthy and familiar food. Thanks so much for your support. Once again, the Army Of Good shows its incredible heart and commitment to compassion and empathy, not hatred and anger.

(Food that arrived yesterday)


  1. Wow! It’s so nice to see a well stocked pantry.
    Kudos to Army of Good!
    Do you know if they still need vanilla? I make my own, and recently found a quart jar that had been forgotten about in my basement. If they still want some I’m willing to bottle it in small bottles and send it. It’s made with vodka, all extracts are, that will evaporate when baking.
    I have been stocking my own pantry with home canned chicken, turkey, and beef bone broths along with dehydrated mixed vegetables for soups and pot pies. This has become a late in my life skill.

    1. Hi Holly,
      We can only accept items that are packaged with nutritional information, not homemade items. I wish we could. We have to follow the rules of the Regional Food Bank. I appreciate the gesture though.

      1. Hello Sarah,
        As a former retail pickup volunteer for Foodshare I respect the rules, and I thank you for letting me know before I bought the bottles and seals.

  2. I was reading your article about the food bank…yes..it’s good to donate food. BUT. The food that is found in most food banks is canned food, full of preservatives and chemicals and high in sodium and/or sugar. These are not healthy foods. A lot of people donate food that they don’t want, or wouldn’t use. I know, I have been a recipient of food from a food bank.

    1. Marsha, I am curious to know if that is true. We are tasked with sending healthy foods, and we are; I need to get drawn into the policies of other food pantries. This one serves the best and most nutritious foods they can get their hands on, which is challenging. Your experience is your experience; it doesn’t speak to this pantry and their work, and it’s not my responsibility to dictate the food they can get ahold of. Many people go there and are very happy with the food they get; it is a lot better than having no food. I’m proud to be helping Them choose the food, not me.

    2. Hi Marsha,
      I share your concern about nutrition. We offer much more than canned goods. We have a 12 ft well-stocked display of fresh produce. Most days we tell people they can have an unlimited amount. We give out a selection of meat and dairy. Most weeks we have eggs. We try to offer what a regular store would offer. For struggling families, it is all helpful.

  3. It is uplifting to see the support the Cambridge Food Pantry is receiving……from the AOG and your local community! Alas….. so much *good* to be done everywhere. We donate food and other things to our local Food Pantry…they partner with churches, businesses and schools to collect donations of mostly food, but other needed necessities for local families in need with *drop off* stations at many local businesses, the gym, grocery store and the local banks…… and I always love seeing the donation bins full to the brim……. as you often say, it *is* good to *do* good!
    Susan M

  4. I think you said all that ever needs to be said in the excellent article about Zip. I have a 120 year old barn on my farm inhabitated by two cats that stay around the rat free barn. as you mentioned, several years ago the barn cats all disappeared as will happen. within 3 months we started getting a rat infestation. The vet gave me two homeless kittens and we have been rat free since. BTW, we have a Zip. Iden Keep up the tical twin and just as sassy. He does like to come in the house because he gets a slice of cheese. But, he wants out pretty quickly. Keep up the impossible task of educating the idiots.

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