5 March

Rainy Day Journal, Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Surgery Was A Success. Gloomy Day, Plus Zip’s Secret Place. No, The Chickens Can Not Come Into The House At Night. No Diapers.

by Jon Katz

(Bulletin. The Cambridge Food Pantry has received 126 pounds of donated food in two days. They thank the Army of Good, and so do I. You people are great.)

It was a landmark day, healthwise. We went to see Dr. Daly a week after my last (hopefully) toe surgery. She said the wound had healed beautifully, I didn’t need to wear my clunky surgical shoes, and I could shower, wear my brace, and walk when I chose.

(Education photo: If you look to the lower left of the image while Zip is having dinner, you’ll see a hole between the two hay bales at the bottom. This is where Zip has been tunneling and sleeping. It never gets cold in that space, between his warmth and the hay, and it’s a safe place for him to sleep safely and meditate. He poked his way in there on the first day he was hiding in his new home, but he has burrowed in repeatedly and made it a nice, cozy, and safe space. It’s twice as wide and deep as it was at first.  I’m impressed. This is what I love about the barn cats: they know how to care for themselves and appreciate the chance. Like Maria, now that I think of it. I insist on her sleeping in the house right next to me. I’m sure she would love to sleep outside sometimes.)

Our 3 and 1/2 years of work and pain to get my collapsed left foot working, rebuilding, and functioning finally seemed over. I can walk, I can walk.  It worked. We celebrated by going food shopping and then picking up some bread at Kean’s home near the Covered Bridge in Shushan.

I lost a bent big toe and had about a dozen different surgeries. It’s all worth it. Maria was with me every step of the way, including today. Dr. Daly says the heeling in my feet is terrific, an excellent sign for a person with diabetes.

When we got home, it was pouring, and I grabbed my Monochrome and Iphone and set out to capture the raw and gloomy but still beautiful afternoon. You are invited to come and see.

I’m exhausted and glad to be home. I’m going to spend a couple of hours listening to Billie Eilish sing.

Maria shot through the ground-floor barn window by bringing hay to the animals in the rain.

Maria is in the rain, bringing out the hay. (And no, the sheep and donkeys aren’t coming into the house at night.)

The birds kept eating, rain or not.


The hens stay dry by hanging out under the roost. And no, they are not coming into the farmhouse; I don’t care what the animal rights people think. It’s not unkind for them to sleep in a roost.

After the rain, Zip came out to say hello and get some attention. He’s back in the big barn now. In my experience, cats are not demonstrative about love; Zip is a sweetheart.


  1. I think all your animals should come inside the house and you and Maria sleep outside. (Ha!Ha!)

  2. Zip’s “hay house” is so cozy looking. Lucky cat. Love the rainy day pictures. Thanks for sharing. 😊.

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