4 March

Monday Morning, March 4, 2024. Photo Lesson Today, New Day, New Week, New Life

by Jon Katz

This morning, I went out to take some photos and got lucky. Lots of beauty on the way to the post office and the bank. I’m taking a two-hour Leica class one-on-one on Zoom this morning. I want to know more about my bird and nature lens and figure out some settings on my Leica SLR-S. I have a lot to learn. The Covered Bridge Bread Company has agreed to donate some bread to the food pantry; I’m meeting Sumer, a mother needing food, on Thursday.

Thanks for the donations already coming in; I’ll post more details about what is required later today. The Army Of Good is forever great. I got to get ready for my Zoom. More later. (In the photo above, I’m making friends with a woodpecker; he is getting to know me and barely moves when I show up.) He and his partner are a couple; they live in the Maple Tree behind the house.

I’m getting new glasses this week, no more blue lenses. I’m getting my hearing checked in April, but I am hesitant about the idea of a hearing aid. They are shockingly expensive, and it isn’t necessary. I will get tested to make sure. Tomorrow, I get my surgical book removed by Dr. Daly, and assuming the incision has healed, I’ll be able to shower again and wear my brace.

I love mist in the mountains; these are the Green Mountains of Vermont, our backyard.

Heart of a Red Tulip.

Cats are fascinating. Zip has a heated water bowl in the barn; he prefers the animals’ heated water bucket. Zip makes his own choices.

Window sill gallery, Tulip and Succulent.

I love the shape of the hens; they are a photographer’s friend.


Zinnia loves sticking her head out the rear window, her travel throne. Below are all of the magnets Maria has made.  I collect them on the car door.



  1. Jon, I too, resisted getting hearing aids but I was driving my friends crazy with asking them to repeat things and missing out on conversations. But the best thing? My hearing aids are bluetooth, and I can listen to my music, NPR, books, etc and no one knows what I am doing. And the clarity is great, my friends are happy.

  2. I love that Zip gets to choose where he drinks. “They” are always touting “make sure your cats have fresh clean water to drink”. My cats had several bowls in strategic places, very convenient for them. Where did they drink? From the bird bath and muddy water puddles after rain! LOL Cats WILL be cats! 🙂

  3. If you need them, you may want to check if there is a Costco nearby, they sell hearing aids. My sister needs them due hearing loss from a tumor in her head and the first ones she got were over $7,000. Recently she found out the same ones were available from Costco for around $1200. It is worth looking into. You don’t realize how much you are NOT hearing until you get hearing aids. Hearing is part of good health as it has an impact on many other things. My oldest brother also needs them and also got them from Costco. Worth a look.

    1. Thanks, I’ve heard about them I’m going to get tested next month, I might not need one at all..we’ll see..

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