26 February

My Tayor Swift Winter Cap Is On The Way. It Seems I’m A Fan. She’s A Great Writer;

by Jon Katz

Writing about this is odd, but I’m a Taylor Swift fan. Honesty first.

I’ve loved her music, spirit, enthusiasm, empathy, and writing for several years. She is a talented musician and one of the most gifted songwriters I’ve ever heard.

I was home resting from my dawn foot surgery this morning in Saratoga and saw a video showing her giving one of her prized hats to a nine-year-old child dying of brain cancer in Australia. The narrator said she could watch it repeatedly, which is what I felt. It’s a tear-jerker.

Her music is about feeling; I can see why many people relate to her. She seems very real to me.

She understands what it is to be a caring and feeling human and never tires of doing good. Our politicians seem to never tire of screwing up and being cruel. What a curious country.

I know a U.S. Congressperson or politician who has done nearly as much good as she does almost every day with her songs, writing skills, open and honest heart, and generosity.

No, I’m not in love with Taylor Twist. I don’t need to do that;  I’m already in love, but she inspires me. I appreciate the tone and words of her songs. They all have something to say to me and many other people. I am a fan; she strikes me as a genius.

I went out and ordered a Taylor Swift cap, some proceeds going to help sick children. I’m in. Then I listened to her music for half an hour, especially in 1989. I don’t know if it’s good for her for a 76-year-old man to be mooning over her music and writing, but there it is.

I ordered the above Taylor Swift hat in blue while listening to her album 1989.

I’ll wear it through the winter and on hot days in the summer. You know you’re important when the extremist lunatics start spreading insane conspiracy theories about her (they are terrified she will endorse Joe Biden, which she did four years ago. She is three times as powerful today.) It’s her music that I most appreciate.

I have no secrets anymore and live an open life, which always seems open to the new.

Swift has got another album coming out soon, and I’m in. Taylor Swift is said to be one of the world’s most influential people. I like that much better than Elon Musk, who has a global website in his power-mad hands.


  1. Bravo Jon!
    Totally in agreement with you on T.Swift!
    She is the real thing, I think we would all see through her if she wasn’t.

  2. I think every American who plans to have children should study Swift’s parents’ caregiving skills. They did something – – a lot – – right!

  3. Thanks Jon for your heart felt books. I use to have a dog but now I don’t, it’s very sad for me. So I’m reading all your books, at night when I read your books , I feel like I have a dog .As I walk the farm in my imagination, and listen to your wonderful stories. I’m on your 4th book and plan to read them all. Your love for animals is a gift , I wish more people were like you. Thanks Sharon

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