26 February

Good News! New Flowers For Me (And You). Here Come The Irises. Color and Light Plus! It’s Great To Back.

by Jon Katz

I can retake some living and archived photos from the summer thanks to Sue Lamberti and her newly re-opened flower shop. On the way home from surgery this morning,  I stopped at the Cambridge Flower Shop to pick up another batch of Irises I’ve been delivering to friends all weekend.

I’ve cleaned Sue out of Irises; Maria bought me the last batch this morning.

I stood the flowers on my raised garden bed and got out the Leica and my Iphone. Gosh, it was great to be back in business again. I have many archived photos to share, but nothing sweeter than looking to see where the sun is and clicking away, twisting, bowing, and looking for the right sweet spot.

This is me, this is us.

The Irises are beautiful photos to photograph. The sunlight brings out their purple beauty. Welcome to my new season; I’m loose and free with the Cambridge Flower shop open.

I’ve been talking for days about bringing some Iris home during our warm spell so I can go out and use the sunlight to take my photographs. On the way home from my surgery, she pulled over at the Cambridge Flower Shop and insisted on buying me the last five. She suggested I lie down for a while, and I did, and then we both went to work, as it should be. She is selling her meditation trees and most of her new potholders. It’s lovely to see how happy, busy, and successful.

I know she won’t rest, but I need to this afternoon.

I put them in the garden bed and waited for the sun to come up to the level I wanted. It was great to see the light hit the flowers.


This afternoon, I’ll go out with a different lens; we’ll see what happens. I’m going to milk these flowers while they are here.

Shades of blue.




  1. Beautiful pics! And, the new flower shop looks lovely. We had a similar one near us in CT, but the owner had to give in to large rent increases. I really miss her and her flowers.

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