25 February

Cold Morning And Day On A Bright Sunday. A Potpouri Of The Good Life That I Have Been Blessed To Live And Happy To Share

by Jon Katz

It’s the last bitter cold day, according to the weather forecast.

This week, I should be able to sit outside with a chair and a tripod and try to get some exciting bird photos. We’ll see. I’m doing some experimenting this week with my bird photography to see if I can’t figure out what I’m trying to do. I’ll be back in surgical boots and no showers for a week.  I can’t get my foot wet.

I have no complaints; my brace and foot have worked well together. It was a sweet day; I have a mix of photos to share, images of my life. I love spending  quiet days like this with Maria, although she is rarely still, she runs from one task to another, it’s her nature, and at some point at the end of the day, we come together and stay there for a while.



I’ve named him Ares in honor of the fierce Greek God of the same name.

Red, my great herding and therapy dog, loved Fate, and he repeatedly tried to teach her how to herd sheep. It never quite took, but Zinnia sometimes gives it the college try when the sheep come in or out of the pasture, as she did this morning. She races down the hill, woofing, and the sheep mostly ignore her. They are not fools.

Afternoon feed.

Zip Scratching


Blogging, afternoon sun, the annals of creation


  1. The last portrait of Maria is lit like a Vermeer! Just substitute Maria’s laptop for a loom and there you are : )

  2. I laugh at the thought of Zinnia *trying* to herd sheep! Not going to happen….but I’m sure it’s fun! Will think of you tomorrow with your toe surgery…..I trust it will go well in the capable hands of your skilled doctor…… and you are used to *no shower* for longer periods…..so a week is a breeze (so to speak). Good luck and may all go swimmingly!
    Susan M

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