24 February

Two Fearless Animals Here: Ares The Woodpecker And Zip, King Of The Hill

by Jon Katz

I’ve named him  Ares after the Greek God of the same name, the God of War and Strength. Ares the bird is fearless; even when I get close, he ignores me. He even ignores Zip, our other fearless animal, who stalks below him as he pecks at the feeder.

Neither creature fears anything on the farm; I respect them both. Zip invites me hunting these days; we stand together while he stares and waits to pounce on some hapless mouse, mole, or chipmunk. I appreciate that neither of these beautiful animals fears me in the least. Today, Zip came up behind me and climbed onto my left shoulder, his favorite spot.

I’m getting used to his popping up suddenly out of nowhere and demanding some attention.


    1. My readers do know, and there are apps to use that can help you. Honestly, i don’t care what their names are, I just like taking pictures of them..

  1. Ares doesn’t have to work near as hard on that suet as he/she does on a tree. Hope it sticks around.. I love woodpeckers. Surely it’s smart enough to stay away from Zip.

  2. I’m loving your bird pictures, Jon – I love birds but admit that I can only identify a handful of them (robins, cardinals, etc,). Is that a hairy woodpecker in your picture? Surely one or more of your readers will know. I’d like to know too!

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