24 February

Sneak Peek: Here Comes The Meditation Tree, From Maria. On Sale Next Week

by Jon Katz

Maria has finished the design for her new creation, The Meditation Tree, a beautiful work inspired by a meditation she had on a tree and some Hindu meditation paintings she read a few years ago.

This creation is not a quilt, a painting, or a quilt; it’s a wall hanging, 7 x 11 inches, and will cost $40 plus $5 shipping.  The design is hers.  This photo is just the design; she’s working on the backing, etc. To follow the history of this new and very different artwork, you can go to her blog, fullmoonfiberart.com.

The finished work will be posted for sale on her Etsy Page sometime next week; if you wish to contact her, her e-mail is [email protected]. Several people have already asked to purchase this special piece.

A side story: I told Maria I wanted to buy one of these meditation trees; I love the idea of looking at it before or during my daily meditation. She usually gets annoyed when I offer to buy her art; she thinks I should ask her and get it for free. It makes me uncomfortable; she should be paid for her work.

A kind blog reader contacted her and said she wanted to purchase one for me, and Maria said that was unnecessary; she would happily give it to me at no cost. I balk at this; I know how hard she works and how much each piece of art she creates means to her. She should be paid for her work whether it goes to me or not, but she said that was silly, so I’m getting one. I don’t have any complaints.

Thanks for the thought, Kathy; I’ll get mine next week.

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