22 February

My Granddaughter Robin Pulls A Tooth. She Names The Tooth Fairy “Sparkles” And Designs A Flag For Her.

by Jon Katz

My daughter Emma was thoughtful enough to send me some photos that tell the story of Robin and the tooth she pulled out of her mouth last night, and also of her letter to the tooth fairy. She left the tooth fairy a message and named her “Sparkles.”

The way it usually works, as I recall, is that the tooth fairy leaves the kid a note when the first tooth comes out,  along with some money or a gift.

Robin being Robin, she decided to do it her way (yes, this does seem to run in the family). She not only names the tooth fairy, but suggests that there should be a tooth fairy flag, and designs one.

I like the flag. So far, no response from the tooth fairy. I do think there is some royal blood in Robin’s veins, and that does not come from this grandfather.

Robin was thoughtful. She wrote the note, wrapped it up neatly, and awaits a  response. She may well get one from me. This kid is going far.


  1. I like how she included the yes/no boxes with the expectation of a response. Good for her. That tooth fairy had better check one. Smart creative kid!

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