20 February

Color And Light, As Promised: And Zip’s Daily Royal Pose

by Jon Katz

Color and lights resume, as promised. I’m a bit shaken by the weekend but recovering. I’ve done a lot of thinking about me, the blog, and the farm: good thoughts and new ideas about my life. I feel a lot of gratitude and strength and good fortune. Sickness somehow always seems to do me some good, although I can do without it.

Zip is photo savvy. Every morning now, he watches for me to show up with my camera and takes on a regal pose. I can never resist, of course. Zip has figured out where his bread is buttered. He is the most photogenic animal of my existence, and I can’t help but take photos of him every day. He’s onto it for sure, as he is for everything on the farm. He’s become best friends with Zinnia, the hens, and some sheep. They lick and kiss each other.


This Mansion flower display was made by Mansion residents and sits on a window to the rear of the facility.


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