6 February

Bedlam Farm Book Sale: Five Books, Two Mysteries, One Short Stories, Two Novels, Great Prices

by Jon Katz



Sorry, these books are all sold. Thanks. More coming soon.


As promised, we offer five new books for the new Bedlam Farm Book Sales Program today. They are each $10 plus shipping. If you are interested, please email Maria at [email protected], and please do not send any payment without messaging here to ensure the book is still available. They go fast.

This is turning into a happy success. We get to find good homes for the books we love and reduce the literary clutter in our farmhouse. You get to get beautiful books at great prices. All of the ones we offered for sale were gone immediately. We’re just getting started.

These are the five books we offer today – novels, mysteries, short story collections, and acclaimed novels. We are only selling books we love.

Abraham Verghese’s beautiful novel Cutting For Stone is about a medical family and their lives and struggles in Ethiopia.

Margaret Atwood needs no explanation; her collection of short stories – Old Babes In The Woods –  is as surprising and mesmerizing as so much of her writing is.

The Paper Palace is a best-selling work of literary and women’s fiction by Miranda Cowley Heller about secrets, love, lies, and the hard choices of a woman’s life.

Killingly is a grim novel Based on the unsolved real-life disappearance of a Mount Holyoke student in 1897. Katherine Beutner’s Killingly, said the New York Times,  weaves a haunting spell of intrigue, longing, and terror.

Raging Storm by the popular Ann Cleeves (Vera, Shetland)  is a Mathew Venn mystery; it’s classy and fast-moving, as all of Cleeve’s books are. It is suspenseful without being bloody or awful. Venn is Cleeve’s first gay detective.

If you wish to access these books, email Maria at [email protected]. Please don’t send any payments without contacting her first to ensure the book you want isn’t sold.

I’m thinking of selling some of the beautiful dog and animal books I used to research and write my books about dogs and cats and other animals and animal and human attachment theory, a longtime interest of mine. Some of the books deal with training and knowledgeable studies about how dogs think if anything, and what they feel. They are valuable to animal lovers.

The books are marked with my notes and circling; some pages have been turned down. Otherwise, the books are in excellent and readable shape. They would be helpful to anyone interested in learning about animals, their thinking, intelligence, aggressiveness, and ways of training and communicating. I have many of them, and they are all in excellent condition.

We are working on pricing.

I no longer need these books; they were used for research for my books.

They are the best and most accessible books on pets and other animals. It’s up to Maria, but we’ll soon pick a date to sell some of those books and see how it goes. I have shelves of them. I’m also looking to sell some of my spiritual books and guides.

To buy a book, please email Maria at [email protected].


  1. Oh wow. Those books of yours would be something to look forward to checking out!
    Always enjoyed your books from bedlam farm Orson Rose and clemtine who’d follow anyone for a biscuit. Love those stories

  2. I have been reading a lot lately. I LOVED “Northeaster” by Cathie Pelletier. It’s a true story of a severe winter storm in the 1950’s and how it affected various persons. My husband loved it too. A real page turner.

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