5 February

The Sun Burst Out This Morning, Joy, Joy: Bedlam Farm Journal, Monday, February 5, 2024. Inside And Out. Outside Below.

by Jon Katz

The sun finally came out with force this morning; it lit up the whole farm. Zip appeared early for his morning meeting with me and gave me a determined look outside the window. He always seems to know where I am in the house; the walls don’t block a bit of sound from him. I have some things to drop off at the Mansion today and lots of writing.

Today, I get to order my new bird and nature lens, B&H Photo agreed to buy three of my lenses in exchange of the lenses. No taxes, no additional debt. Inside sun photos come next.

Zip has a stare that could melt ice and cut through wood. When he wants something, he lets you know. He wanted me to come out and scratch him. I didn’t, I was busy. He went away in a huff.

I caught the sun just as it came over the horizon.


The morning barn shovel is an integral part of the farm. We’ll have to find a way to scatter the manure around the pasture.

With the sun, a new and beautiful landscape. I always look to see if I can see the hills in Vermont.



Zip gets a lot of loving, day or night. After I met with him and did a lot of rubbing and stroking, Maria stopped by to share some love. We have to be spoiling him, I suppose, but he loves his independence and roaming the farm; he’s got a great swagger.


  1. I personally think it’s always a good idea to “spoil” a cat. They are prey animals, as well as predators, so they will lay low, hide, and withdraw if they feel insecure or threatened. By giving them lots of pets and good vibes, they become confident and very present in the household, and their real personality will shine. Zip is a young, vigorous cat, and he is obviously having a great time supervising Bedlam Farm. You and Maria are doing a great job with him.

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