5 February

Morning Sun, Inside. The Light Returns To Bedlam Farm

by Jon Katz

Good news. B&H Photo and I reached a deal to get a used bird and nature lens from Leica in exchange for some of the lenses I like the most. I’m excited about the lens and clung to the lenses I use for my flower and landscape photos. New lens really charges me up and inspires creativity and fresh thinking. It feels like a renewal.

My new bird and nature lens should be arriving tomorrow. It is a new chapter in my photography, and I’m eager to figure it out. I think my monochrome camera (also used but in good shape) will help me figure out the Winter Pasture; it’s a challenge I’ve been enjoying, although there hasn’t been enough snow to figure out what kind of winter photos I really want to take in my way.

Our patched-up septic system holds its own; we have a working toilet and warm water. It’s not clear what’s next. But whatever it is, it will be in late Spring or early Summer. Tomorrow I go for my now bi-annual exam with Dr. Daly to make sure my re-structured foot is working.  Also, I will see David, the whiz who put my brace together this week. That’s also a bi-annual check to ensure the brace gets new padding. My health is all about maintenance right now.

There is no crisis or additional surgery planned.

I am completely healed from my fall and concussion. My cannabis is helping me to sleep well.



For a half  hour, the morning light makes some beautiful art inside of the farmhouse. I don’t want to overlook it.

I love the light on the old doors, built so many years ago and holding up well. The light gives a special feeling.


But is the most telegenic animal, next to Zip.


The sun hit right on the windowsill sun.

The happy and patient treatment committee was eager and waiting when I came out of the shower this morning. Bud is the chair of the group and is incredibly vigilant. He hears it when the shower is turned off and rallies the troops for an appearance at the door.

They are hard to refuse. There has been no sign of the rat for days; I think Bud has persuaded her to move, or maybe he just ate her. Don’t be filled by Bud’s since, when he is on the hunt, he’s ferocious.


  1. So like and enjoy your dogs pictures !
    Especially the 3 of the trooops waiting for you outside the shower! Their stance and expressions make me smile! Thanks for sharing.
    Btw when I put my mat on the floor to do my back stretches my sheltie runs to lay down in the middle of the mat ahead of me for a belly rub. Lol she’s the doggie light of my life

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