4 February

The Return Of The Sun! And Soap Making Lesson Today

by Jon Katz

It’s a cold and beautiful day at the farm.

The sun is out; the sky is blue after a long absence. I’m preparing for my soap-making class at Caz Acres (a/k/a Goat Lady. Cindy makes the best soap I’ve ever used on her goat farm. She’s giving soap-making lessons today at 11 a.m. I decided to sign up and see how she goes about it. I’ll make some of my soap and learn how it’s done.

This is the second lesson I’ve ever signed up for; the first was at the Leica Academe. It’s time I tried new things – like learning things I don’t know, an enormous task. Later.

Above, Maria waves to me from the Pole Barn, where she shovels manure. I was out in my bathrobe, trying to catch the sun.


Zip loves to stick his nose in front of the camera. He wants to be in on everything.

The Manure patrol, our pile is growing

Fate is always ready to run

The sun returned, along with some beautiful blue sky


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