3 February

Helping The Old White Hen To Jump Up To The Roost Again

by Jon Katz

We noticed recently that the old white hen, our oldest, could not jump up into the roost any longer; we found her lying under it at night, a dangerous position for a hen to be in. Maria researched and discovered a vast and overgrown claw on the hen; she thought that was why the hen couldn’t jump up to get to the roost.

She reached into the roost, wrapped the old hen in a towel – which calms them when held – and handed her to me. I sat in the chair, holding the hen in my chest like a human baby. She didn’t move a muscle, just clucked very softly.

Maria found the overgrown claw and one other and snipped them, much as we would a dog’s nails. It was a new experience for me, but part of the challenges of a farm and animals. She got unwrapped and started walking energetically; we won’t know until tonight if the claw was the problem. We couldn’t let her wander around at night.

We no longer name our hens because so many of them get eaten. But she’s been with us about eight years, and we’ve gotten fond of her.



The sun finally emerged late this morning. My blue skies have returned.


  1. ah….nothing like a towel wrapped hen! Been there many times for many reasons….. and one *was* nail trimming…. others were eye drops (ugh- try THAT). or gizzard massage for force feeding of olive oil for impacted gizzard…… LOL! I miss my hens but am *over it* at this point in time. Hope the nail trim was easy solution…..otherwise, white hen may just be aging to the point of not quite having the muscle strength to jump up any longer. Not telling you or Maria anything you haven’t already considered……you are the ultimate animal stewards……….
    Hunkering in and prepared for a *pineapple express* storm/rain event here…for next 3-4 days. Wood at the ready for woodstove fires…. marketing done, enough food for a week, generator at the ready….. we are prepared. After 28 years here…..we know what needs doing and roll with it…..as do you! Happy and safe and restful weekend to you all
    Susan M

  2. You two are something, especially Maria taking care of the old hen’s claw!
    Hope it did the trick and she can get up into the roost!

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