Zip is more regal and settled by the day. He perches on the back porch table like a King on the Throne. That is his headquarters, from which he rules over Bedlam Farm. I take photos of Zip when he is waiting for me.
The shot above was taken this morning when I attended our meeting.
Zip looks quite regal; he is growing into the life of the farm before my own eyes. I am his adopted human, his rescue human, perhaps.
Thanks for your many messages of appreciation for photos of Zip. I love them myself, and so many other people love them two. That makes me very happy; I love doing something helpful to others.
Here are two scenes from today I liked. I’m not stupid. Zip is the most photogenic animal I’ve yet encountered.
This shot above is unique. Zip sometimes sits in the driveway waiting for me when I go out, almost mournfully. He never comes near the right and sits where Zinnia sits when she comes out with me when I get the mail.
Zip waits patiently for me to drive the car into the driveway; he always gets out of the way. Today, Zip jumped in my vehicle for the first time when I went out to get some dog food. I shooed him out, but I knew it was just a matter of time before he tried to come along for a ride. Maybe one day. This was a touching sight.
He is A Handsome Boy
Oh Jon
My first cat loved to ride in the car. She’d sit on the back of the bench seat by my shoulder or at the rear window. Back in the 70’s before bucket seats became the norm. I often took her with me and she also commuted when I went home to visit my parents. I always thought it was pretty amazing as I never thought a cat would love riding in the car.