1 February

Color And Light, As Promised: Maria’s Birthday Flowers In My Office

by Jon Katz

I bought Maria some tulips this morning; she put one or two in a vase and brought it to my office. I think this is a perfect color and light flower. The color is stunning. There is no rain in the forecast; the furies may be trying to settle things down.

I’ll see you in the morning. Ian McRae is coming over to read some new poems he loves; I’ve ordered pizza.


  1. Wow, Jon, this flower photo reminds me of a Vermeer painting. Soft and slightly out of focus, with a Baroque feel to it. Lovely.

  2. Jon,

    Once again I have gained perspective in understanding compassion and empathy. Saving Simon was wonderful.
    Compassion is easy for situations we view as deserving. Having compassion for the farmer, Rocky, the foes we encounter through life is the real key to our spiritual growth.

    Sincere thanks

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