30 January

Sold! The Last Cat Potholder, One Of My Favorites. Just Sharing

by Jon Katz

I guess cats are on my mind these days, and I fell in love with Maria’s latest cat potholder series. The one above is the last; it was sold this morning. I hoped I’d be the one to take it over the top, but Maria’s skill did that. The potholder cost $25 plus $5 shipping.


Zip is interested in all of the things our previous cats never noticed. He wants to be in every picture, sticking his nose into everything.



Maria has already moved on to her next potholder series, The Hare and The Moon, which is being finished today and tomorrow. This series (see below) will also be on sale on Maria’s Etsy Page; if you have any questions, you can e-mail her at [email protected]


The Hare and the Moon is made with vintage fabric. The potholders will cost $25 plus $5 shipping. I appreciate how Maria jumps from one theme to another; she seems to be on fire. She has turned the humble potholder into art you can afford and use.

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