30 January

Color And Light, As Promised, Bedlam Farm Journal, Tuesday, January 30, 2024

by Jon Katz

We might not get rain for a few days, which our septic system would appreciate. I had fun and excitement testing the bird photo initiative. I’d love anyone who loves animals to come to the blog and share the joy of the farm with Maria and me. We’ll see what happens, and thanks for all your support and good wishes.

See you in the morning after my weekly Zoom meeting with blog readers. I’ve got some beautiful books to read.

Maria is considering selling some of our new, clean books on eBay. It’s a good idea (thanks, Peggy). We have a lot of new novels and other books in perfect condition. We usually give them away, but it’s time to sell some of them.

The money will help us pay for the water plumbing and septic challenges ahead. The rain is doing some ugly things to the farm. Profits go to Maria. She’ll be doing most of the work.


  1. You are terrible with money! Instead of buying selling books, why don’t you just learn to use a public library? Sheesh!

    1. Carol, thanks for your thoughtful and supportive note. How sweet. I am of course terrible with money which is why it’s so great. Maria is going to run it. We are both excited to be able to offer these really brand new books to our readers for very little money – probably about $10, I hope you don’t buy one. I would hate to think of a book of mine falling into your nasty hands.
      Despite your disapproval we are going ahead and very happy about it. Take care the library has a whole shelf of our books. We gave them for free. They are grateful. Take care.

    1. Thanks Barbara, the times vary but the group is full right now. If you wish I can add your name to the waiting list.

        1. Barbara, if you wouldn’t mind, please send me an e=mail asking to join the Zoom group if and when there is an openin. Just tell me why you want to join the Zoom, I know you from your posts but ask everyone that. The Zoom is a wonderful success, I really want to keep it that way. [email protected]

  2. Hi there Jon,
    Looks like the third bird at feeder is a Juniper Tit Mouse, they kinda sound like chipmunks to me, and look like smallish Blue Jays.
    Keep up with this it’s tailor made for you 🦉Jean

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